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空间物理 – 磁层物理、基础等离子体物理




物理学 博士



空间物理学 学士




美国马里兰大学帕克分校 博士后、助理研究员


北京大学 助理教授


1. 2018.7.11-2022.7.10, Ion heating during magnetotail reconnection, NASA, 主持,$352,077

2. 2019.9.1-2022.8.31, Vlasov-Maxwell Simulations to resolve electron heating and dissipation, in quasi-perpendicular shocks, DOE, 参与,$108,037

3. 2020.5.18-2023.5.17, Generation and evolution of magnetic pulsations in the terrestrial foreshock region, NSF, 主持,$274,266

4. 2020.3.18-2023.3.17, Magnetic reconnection and instabilities in the Earth’s quasi-parallel bow shock, NASA, 参与,$675,007

5. 2021.3.29-2023.9.30, Probing the Vlasov equation with MMS measurements: enabling unprecedented exploration of kinetic plasma phenomena, NASA, 参与,$504,266

6. 2021.9.4-2023.9.30, Wave excitation and nongyrotropic particle kinetics during magnetic reconnection, NASA, 参与,$706,669

7. 2024.1.1-2027.12.31, 地球准平行激波过渡区的磁重联与波动,国家自然科学基金面上项目,主持,52

8. 2024.1.1-2028.12.31,地球弓激波动理学瞬变结构及其对地球磁层的影响,国家自然科学基金重点项目,参与,64.64万(参与部分)



1. Wang, S., and Y. Yang (2023), Electron heating associated with magnetic reconnection in foreshock waves: particle-in-cell simulation analysis, J. Geophys. Res.: Space Physics, 128, e2023JA031672. //doi.org/10.1029/2023JA031672

2. Wang, S., D. Graham, X. An, L. Li, Q.-G. Zong, X.-Z. Zhou, W.-Y. Li, and Z.-Y. Liu (2023), Electrostatic waves around a magnetopause reconnection secondary electron diffusion region modulated by whistler and lower-hybrid waves, Geophysical Research Letters, 50, e2023GL104905. //doi.org/10.1029/2023GL104905

3. Wang, S., L.-J. Chen, N. Bessho, et al. (2022), Lower-hybrid wave structures and interactions with electrons observed in magnetotail reconnection diffusion regions, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 127, e2021JA030109, //doi. org/10.1029/2021JA030109

4. Wang, S., L.-J. Chen, J. Ng, et al. (2021), A statistical study of three-second foreshock ULF waves observed by the Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission, Phys. Plasmas, 28 082901, doi: 10.1063/5.0055972.

5. Wang, S., L.-J. Chen, N. Bessho, M. Hesse, L. B. Wilson III, B. Giles et al. (2019), Observational evidence of magnetic reconnection in the terrestrial bow shock transition region, Geophys. Res. Lett., 45. //doi.org/10.1029/2018GL080944.

6. Wang, S., L.-J. Chen, M. Hesse, L. B. Wilson III., N. Bessho, et al. (2017), Parallel electron heating in the magnetospheric inflow region, Geophys. Res. Lett., doi:10.1002/2017GL073404

7. Wang, S., L.-J. Chen, M. Hesse, N. Bessho, et al. (2016), Two-scale ion meandering caused by the polarization electric field during asymmetric reconnection, Geophys. Res. Lett., 43, 7831–7839, doi:10.1002/2016GL069842

8. Wang, S., L.-J. Chen, N. Bessho, L. M. Kistler, J. R. Shuster, and R. Guo (2016), Electron heating in the exhaust of magnetic reconnection with negligible guide field, J. Geophys. Res. Space Physics, 121,2104–2130, doi:10.1002/2015JA021892

9. Wang, S., L. M. Kistler, C. G. Mouikis, and S. Petrinec (2015), Dependence of the dayside magnetopause reconnection rate on local conditions, J. Geophys. Res. Space Physics, 120, doi:10.1002/2015JA021524. AGU research spotlight.

10. Wang, S., Q.-G. Zong, and H. Zhang (2013), Hot flow anomaly formation and evolution: Cluster observations, J. Geophys. Res. Space Physics, 118, 4360–4380, doi:10.1002/jgra.50424


1. Wang, S., New insights into the high reconnection rate and diminishment of ion outflow, 2024 Magnetic Reconnection Symposium in China, November 2024, Shenzhen, China.

2. Wang, S., An introduction of magnetic reconnection: current sheet dynamics and waves, AOGS meeting, June 2024, Pyeongchang, Korea, Solar and Terrestrial Sciences Section’s Kamide Distinguished Lecture.

3. Wang, S. et al., Waves and structures at terrestrial quasi-parallel shocks, Purple Mountain Observatory, May 2024, Nanjing, China, seminar.

4. Wang, S. et al., Electron heating associated with magnetic reconnection in the Earth’s foreshock turbulence, AOGS Meeting, July 2023, Singapore.

5. Wang, S. et al., Whistler waves associated with electron beams in magnetopause reconnection, AOGS Meeting, July 2023, Singapore.

6. Wang, S. et al., Magnetic reconnection in the shock transition region: Electron heating, IUGG Meeting, July 2023, Berlin, Germany.

7. Wang, S. et al., Waves in magnetic reconnection, Solar activities and space weather frontiers, National Space Science Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China, March 2023.

8. Wang, S. et al., Magnetic reconnection and waves in the earth’s shock transition region, online Space Physics Seminar at Peking University, China, May 2021.

9. Wang, S. et al., Reconnection observations in the bow shock transition region, AGU Fall Meeting, December 2020, Virtual meeting.

10. Wang, S. et al., Magnetic reconnection observations in the bow shock transition region, AGU Fall Meeting, December 2019, San Francisco, CA.

11. Wang, S. et al., Reconnecting current sheets in the bow shock turbulence, GEM workshop, June 2019, Santa Fe, NM.

12. Wang, S., et al., Ion dynamics during magnetotail reconnection, MMS Workshop, February 2019, Yosemite, CA.

13. Wang, S., et al., Modification of magnetospheric inflow conditions of asymmetric reconnection by lower-hybrid turbulence, US-Japan Magnetic Reconnection Workshop, September 2018, Princeton, NJ.

14. Wang, S., et al., Energy conversion during asymmetric reconnection, Fundamental Physical Processes in Solar-Terrestrial Research and Their Relevance to Planetary Physics 2018, 7-13 January 2018, Kona, Hawaii.

15. Wang, S., et al., Magnetospheric O+ and cold ions in magnetopause reconnection: Cluster observations, 4th Cluster and THEMIS Workshop, November 2016, Palm Springs, CA.


2024 亚太地球科学学会(AOGS)年会日地科学分会Kamide讲座奖


