Papers published in English
[141] Qiu T, Zhu YF. 2018. Listwaenite in the Sartohay ophiolitic mélange (Xinjiang, China): A genetic model based on petrology, U-Pb chronology and trace element geochemistry. Lithos 302–303, 427–446
[140] Qiu T, Zhu YF. 2018. Chromian spinels in highly altered ultramafic rocks from the Sartohay ophiolitic mélange, Xinjiang, NW China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 159, 155–184
[139] Jiang JY, Zhu YF. 2017. Geology and geochemistry of the Jianchaling hydrothermal nickel deposit: T–pH–fO2–fS2 conditions and nickel precipitation mechanism. Ore Geology Reviews, //
[138] Zhang HC, Zhu YF (2017). Genesis of the Mandongshan gold deposit (Xinjiang, NW China): T-P-f S2 and phase equilibria constraints from the Au-As-Fe-S system. Ore Geology Reviews 83: 135–151.
[137] Zhang HC, Zhu YF, Fen WY, Tan YW, An F, Zheng JH, 2017 Paleozoic intrusive rocks in the Nalati mountain range (NMR), southwest Tianshan: geodynamic evolution based on petrology and geochemical studies. Journal of Earth Science, 28(2): 196-217
[136] An F, Zhu YF. 2017. Geology and geochemistry of the Early Permian Axi low-sulfidation epithermal gold deposit in North Tianshan (NW China). Ore Geology Reviews (2017), //
[135] Zheng JH, Mao JW, Yang FQ, Chai FM, Zhu Y-F. 2017. Mineralogy, fluid inclusions, and isotopes of the Cihai iron deposit, eastern Tianshan, NW China: Implication for hydrothermal evolution and genesis of subvolcanic rocks-hosted skarn-type deposits. Ore Geology Reviews, 86, 404-425
[134] An F, Zhu Y-F, Wei SN, Lai SC (2017). The zircon U–Pb and Hf isotope constraints on the basement nature and Paleozoic evolution in northern margin of yili block, NW China. Gondwana Research,43,41-54
[133] Zhu YF, Tang JJ, Qiu T (2016) Platinum group mineral (PGM) and Fe–Ni–As–S minerals in the Sartohay chromitite, Xinjiang (NW China): Implications for the mobility of Os, Ir, Sb, and As during hydrothermal processes. Ore Geology Reviews 72: 299–312.
[132] Zhu YF, An F, Feng WY, Zhnag HC (2016) Geological Evolution and Huge Ore-Forming Belts in the Core Part of the Central Asian Metallogenic Region. Journal of Earth Science, Vol. 27(3), 491-506, doi:10.1007/s12583-016-0673-7.
[131] Zhang HC, Zhu YF (2016) Geology and geochemistry of the Huilvshan gold deposit, Xinjiang, China: Implications for mechanism of gold precipitation. Ore Geology Reviews, 79, 218-240
[130] Yu M, Feng CM, Zhu Y-F, Mao JW, Zhao YM, Li DX. 2016. Multistage amphiboles from the Galinge iron skarn deposit in Qiman Tagh, western China: evidence of igneous rocks replacement. Mineralogy and Petrology 111, 81-97
[129] Zhu YF, Chen B, Qiu T (2015). Geology and geochemistry of the Baijiantan-Baikouquan ophiolitic mélanges: Implications for geologic evolution of west Junggar, Xinjiang, NW China. Geological Magazine, 152, 41–69.
[128] Qiu T, Zhu YF*(2015). Geology and geochemistry of listwaenite-related gold mineralization in the Sayi gold deposit, Xinjiang, NW China. Ore Geology Reviews 70, 61–79
[127] Wang L, Zhu YF*(2015). Multi-stage pyrite and hydrothermal mineral assemblage of the Hatu gold district (west Junggar, Xinjiang, NW China): Implications for metallogenic evolution. Ore Geology Reviews, 69, 243-267
[126] Zheng B, Zhu YF*, An F, Huang QY, Qiu T (2015). As–Sb–Bi–Au mineralization in the Baogutu gold deposit, Xinjiang, NW China. Ore Geology Reviews, 69, 17–32
[125] Zheng JH, Mao JW, Yang FQ, Liu F, Zhu YF*(2015). The post-collisional Cihai iron skarn deposit, eastern Tianshan, Xinjiang, China. Ore Geology Reviews, 67, 244–254
[124] Zhu YF, An F, Qiu T. 2014. Geological evolution and related gold deposits in west Junggar, Xinjiang, China. Acta Geologica Sinica (English edition), 88 (supp. 2): 1550-1551
[123] Tan JJ, Zhu YF. 2014. Millerite-maucherite-pentlandite-heazlewoodite in the Sartohay chromite deposit, west Junggar, Xinjiang, China. Acta Geologica Sinica (English edition), 88 (supp. 2): 314-315
[122] Qiu T, Zhu YF. 2014. Gold Mineralization in Listvenite, the Sayi Gold Deposit, Xinjiang. Acta Geologica Sinica (English edition), 88 (supp. 2): 108-109
[121] Zhu YF, Chen B, Xu X, Qiu T, An F. 2013. A new geological map of the western Junggar, north Xinjiang (NW China): implications for Paleoenvironmental reconstruction. Episodes, 36(3), 205-220.
[120] An F, Zhu YF, Wei SN, Lai SC. 2013. An Early Devonian to Early Carboniferous volcanic arc in North Tianshan, NW China: Geochronological and geochemical evidence from volcanic rocks. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 78, 100-113
[119] Proyer A, Rolfo F, Zhu YF, Castelli D, Compagnoni R. 2013. Ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism in the magnesite + aragonite stability field: evidence from two impure marbles from the Dabie–Sulu UHPM belt. J. metamorphic Geol., 31, 35–48.
[118] Zhu YF. 2012. Trace the Missing Carbon: The Deeply Subducted Carbonate. In Editors: Joana Dobrev and Petra Markoviæ (eds.): Calcite: Formation, Properties and Applications. Nova Science Publishers Inc., pp. 147-168 (ISBN: 978-1-61470-782-0).
[117] Zhu YF. 2011. Zircon U-Pb and muscovite 40Ar/39Ar geochronology of the gold-bearing Tianger mylonitized granite, granite, Xinjiang, northwest China: Implications for radiometric dating of mylonitized magmatic rocks. Ore Geology Reviews, 40, 108-121
[116] Zhu YF, An F, Tan JJ. 2011. Geochemistry of hydrothermal gold deposits: A review. Geoscience Frontiers, 2(3), 367-374
[115] An F, Zhu YF*. 2010. Native antimony in the Baogutu gold deposit (west Junggar, NW China): Its occurrence and origin. Ore Geology Reviews 37, 214–223
[114] An F, Zhu YF*. 2009. Native arsenic found in Baogutu gold deposit. Chinese Science Bulletin, 54(10), 1744-1749
[113] Zhu YF, Xuan G, Song B, Zhang LF, Gu LB. 2009. Petrology, Sr–Nd–Hf isotopic geochemistry and zircon chronology of the Late Palaeozoic volcanic rocks in the southwestern Tianshan Mountains, Xinjiang, NW China. Journal of the Geological Society, London, 166, 1085–1099.
[112] Zhu YF, Massonne H-J, Zhu MF. 2009. Petrology of low-temperature, ultrahigh pressure marbles and interlayered coesite eclogites near Sanqingge, Sulu terrane, eastern China. Mineralogical Magazine, 73(2), 307-332
[111] Zhu YF. 2008. K- and Si-rich glasses in harzburgite from Damaping, north China. Island Arc, 17, 560-576
[110] Zhu YF, Massonne HJ, Theye T. 2007. Eclogites from the Chinese continental scientific drilling borehole, their petrology and different P-T evolutions. Island Arc, 16(4): 508-536
[109] Zhu YF, Zhou J, Zeng YS. 2007. The Tianger (Bingdaban) shear zone hosted gold deposit, west Tianshan, NW China: petrographic and geochemical characteristics. Ore Geology Reviews, 32: 337-365
[108] Zhu YF, Zeng YS, Gu LB. 2006. Geochemistry of the rare metal-bearing pegmatite no.3 vein and related granites in the Keketuohai region, Altay mountains, northwest China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 27, 61-77.
[107] Zhu YF, Massonne H-J. 2007. Pyrrhotite exsolution texture of apatite in the main borehole of the Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling (CCSD). Acta Petrologica Sinica, 23, 3249-3254.
[106] Zhu YF, Zhang LF, Gu LB, Guo X, Zhou J. 2005. The zircon SHRIMP chronology and trace element geochemistry of the Carboniferous volcanic rocks in western Tianshan Mountains. Chinese Science Bulletin, 50, 2201-2212. Citation 138
[105] Zhu YF, Zhou J, 2005. Geochemistry of the Tianger shear zone-hosted gold deposit (west Tianshan, northwest China). In: Mao JW & Bierlein FP (Eds.), Mineral Deposit Research: Meeting the Global Challenge. Berlin, Springer, 2005, 1131-1134.
[104] Zhou J, Zhu YF, 2005, Geochemistry of the Tianger gold deposit in west Tianshan, Xinjiang. In: Mao JW & Bierlein FP (Eds.), Mineral Deposit Research: Meeting the Global Challenge. Berlin, Springer, 2005, 1127-1129.
[103] Zhu YF, Ogasawara Y. 2004, Clinopyroxene phenocrysts (with green salite cores) in trachybasalts: Implications for two magma chambers under the Kokchetav UHP massif, North Kazakhstan. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 22, 517-527.
[102] Zhu YF, Ogasawara Y. 2002. Carbon recycled into the deep Earth: Evidenced by dolomite dissociation in subduction-zone rocks. Geology, 30, 947-950.
[101] Zhu YF. 2003. Comments on ‘‘Crystal-melt equilibria involving potassium- bearing clinopyroxene as indicator of mantle-derived ultrahigh-potassic liquids: an analytical review’’ by L.L. Perchuk, O.G. Safonov, V.O. Yapaskurt, and J.M. Barton Jr. [Lithos 60 (2002) 89–111]: K-feldspar in metamorphic clinopyroxene, from exsolution to potassium replacement. Lithos, 68, 115-119.
[100] Zhu YF, Ogasawara Y, Ayabe T. 2002. The mineralogy of the Kokchetav "lamproite": implications for the magma evolution. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 116, 35-61.
[99] Zhu YF, Ogasawara Y. 2002. Phlogopite and coesite exsolution from super-silicic clinopyroxene. International Geology Review, 44, 831-836.
[98] Zeng YS, Liu JQ, Zhu YF. 2002. Short-chain carboxylates in high-temperature ore fluids of W-Sn deposits in South China. Geochemical Journal, 36, 219-234.
[97] Zeng YS, Zhu YF, Liu JQ. 2001. Carbonaceous material in S-type Xihuashan granite. Geochemical Journal, 35, 145-153.
[96] Zhu YF, Sun SH, Jiang N. 2001. A gold-bearing alkaline pluton in eastern Linxi District, Inner Mongolia: Its geochemistry and Metallogenic significance. Resource Geology, 51, 393-399.
[95] Zhu YF, Jiang N, Zeng YS. 2001. Geochemistry of the ore-forming fluids in gold deposits from the Taihang Mountains, Northern China. International Geology Review, 43, 457-473.
[94] Zhu YF, Sun SH, Gu LB, Ogasawara Y, Jiang N, Honma H. 2001, Permian volcanism in the Mongolian orogenic zone, northeast China: geochemistry, magma sources and petrogenesis. Geological Magazine, 138(2), 101-115.
[93] Jiang N, Zhu YF. 1999. Geology and genesis of orogenic gold deposits, Xiaoqinling district, southeastern China. International Geology Review, 41, 816-826.
[92] Zhu YF, Ai YF. 1998. The relationship of liquid immiscibility between felsic magma and mineralization. In: Proceedings of Ninth Quadrennial IAGOD Symposium, E. Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, Stuttgart, pp.205-211.
[91] Zhu YF. 1997. Liquid immiscibility in felsic magma and its ore-forming potentiality. In Proc. 30th Int'l. Geol. Congr., Vol. 9, Energy and mineral resurces for the 21st century, Geology of mineral deposits, mineral economics. VSP International Science Publishers, The Netherlands, 321-328.
[90] Zhu YF, Zeng YS, Ai YF. 1996. Experimental evidence for a relationship between liquid immiscibility and ore-formation in felsic magmas. Applied Geochemistry, 11(3), 481-487.
[89] Zhu YF. 1994. Petrological significance of zoned plagioclase in Eldjurti granite and mafic microgranular enclaves, north Caucasus, Russia. Chinese Journal of Geochemistry, 13(2), 142-155.
[88] Sobolev NR, Zhu YF. 1993. Temperature and pressure conditions for the Eldjurti granite (north Caucasus). AcademicJournal of Moscow University, Geology, No. 3, 68-76 (in Russian).
[87] Sobolev NR, Zhu YF. 1993. Change of geochemical composition of biotite in a vertical section of granite pluton. Dokland Akademy Nauk, vol. 329(4), 504-505 (in Russian).
Papers published in Chinese with English abstracts (Citation> 1300):
[86] Chen B, Zhu YF*. 2015. The origin of high-An plagioclase in diorite from Baikouquan, Xinjiang and its petrogenetic significance. Acta Petrologica Sinica, 31(2) , 479-490
[85] An F, Wang JL, Zhu YF, et al. 2015. Mineralogy and geochemistry of intrusions related to Sayak large copper deposit, Kazakhstan, Central Asian metallogenic belt: Magma nature and its significance to mineralization. Acta Petrologica Sinica, 31(2) , 555-570
[84] Wei SN, Zhu YF, 2015. Petrology, geochronology and geochemistry of intermediate-acidic intrusions in Baogutu area, West Junggar, Xinjiang. Acta Petrologica Sinica, 31(1) , 143-160.
[83] Chen B, Zhu YF*. 2014. Magmatism and Metamorphism of Gabbro in Ophiolite: A Review. Bulletin of Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochemistry, 33(2), 226-237
[82] An F, Zhu YF, Wei SN., et al. 2014. Geology and metallogenic model of gold ore deposits in Baogutu area, Western Junggar, Xinjiang. Mineral Deposits, 33(4), 761-775
[81] Qiu T, Zhu YF*. 2014. Study on gold mineralization in listvenite of No. I Sartohay gold deposit, Xinjiang. Mineral Deposits, 33(3), 541-557
[80] Zheng B, Zhu YF*, An F. 2014. Study of gold mineralization types in relation to host rocks in gold deposits of Baogutu area,Xinjiang. Mineral Deposits, 33(3), 558-574
[79] Wang L, Zhu YF*. 2014. Different types of pyrites in Hatu gold deposit, Xinjiang: Origin and ore deposit significance. Mineral Deposits, 33(3), 575-595
[78] Wei SN, Zhu YF*, An F. 2014. Mineral ization and elements migration characteristics of porphyry copper deposits in Baogutu area , Xinjiang. Mineral Deposits, 33(1), 165-180
[77] Zhu YF. 2014. Geological evolution and division of giant metallogenic belts in core part of Central Asian Metallogenic Region. Mineral Deposits, 33(3), 471-485
[76] Wang L, Zhu YF*. 2013. Study on the Geology and Geochemistry of Qi-III Gold Deposit in West Junggar, Xinjiang. Xinjiang Geology, 31(4), 295-305
[75] Zhu YF. 2012. The zircon U-Pb age for the Neoproterozoic-Ordovician granites in the Kesang Rongdong region, southwestern Tianshan Mts., Xinjiang. Acta Petrologica Sinica, 28(7), 2113-2120
[74] Huang Q, Zhu YF*. 2012. Study on Geology of Huilvshan Gold deposit in Western Junggar, Xinjiang. Xinjiang Geology, 30(4), 411-417
[73] Huang QY, Zhu YF*. 2012. Petrology and geochemistry of gabbro and magnetite-pyroxene vein in the Haladala mafic complex, southwestern Tianshan Mts., Xinjiang. Acta Petrologica Sinica, 28(7) , 2199-2208
[72] Qiu T, Zhu YF*. 2012. Identification of a ductile shear zone in quartz-magnesitite and its controlling on gold deposits in the Sartohay region,western Junggar, Xinjiang. Acta Petrologica Sinica, 28(7), 2250-2256
[71] Qiu T, Xiao F, Zhang FJ, et al. 2011. Ore characteristics and occurrence of gold minerals in Hatu gold deposit, North Xinjiang. Xinjiang Geology, 29(2), 155-161
[70] Wei SN, Cheng JF, Yu DB, et al. 2011. Petrology and SHRIMP zircon ages of intrusive body Ⅲ in Baogutu Area, Xinjiang. Earth Science Frontiers, 18(2), 212-222
[69] An F, Zhu YF*. 2011. Geochemistry of hydrothermal gold mineralization. Mineral Deposits, 30(5), 799-814
[68] Chen B, Zhu YF*. 2011. Petrology,geochemistry and zircon U-Pb chronology of gabbro in Darbut ophiolitic mélange, Xinjiang. Acta Petrologica Sinica, 27(6), 1746-1758
[67] Chen B, Zhu YF*, An F, et al. 2011. The discovery of spinel peridotite in Baikouquan area, Karamay, Xinjiang. Geological Bulletin of China, 30(7), 1017-1026
[66] Guo X, Zhu YF*. 2011. Petrologic and geochemical research of Xiaohalajunshan gabbro in Southwest Tianshan Mts., Xinjiang. Earth Science Frontiers,18(2), 180-190
[65] An F, Zhu YF*. 2010. Geology and geochemistry of Jingxi-Yelmand gold deposit in Tulasu basin,North Tianshan, Xinjiang. Acta Petrologica Sinica, 26(8), 2275-2286
[64] Chen B, Zhu YF. 2010. Petrology and geochemistry of gabbro in Baikouquan, Keramay ( Xinjiang, NW China) : Implication of magmatic evolution. Acta Petrologica Sinica, 26(8), 2287-2298
[63] Wei SN, Zhu YF*. 2010. Emplacement of the Intermediate and Acid Magmatic Rocks in Xinjiang: Constraints from the P-T-fO2 and Geochemistry. Acta Geologica Sinica, 84(7), 1017-1029
[62] Tan JJ, Zhu YF*. 2010. Study on Fe-Ni-As-S mineral assemblages in Sartohay chromite deposit, Xinjiang, China. Acta Petrologica Sinica, 26(8), 2264-2274
[61] Zhu YF, An F, Xue YX, et al. 2010. Zircon U-Pb age for Kesang Rondong volcanic rocks,Southwest Tianshan Mts., Tekes, Xinjiang. Acta Petrologica Sinica, 26(8), 2255-2263
[60] Zhu YF, An F. 2010. Geochemistry of hydrothermal mineralization: Taking gold deposit as an example. Earth Science Frontiers, 17(2), 45-52
[59] Wang R, Zhu YF*. 2010. Geology and geochemistry of Qia'erdunbasixi Fe-Cu-Au deposit in Sawur, northern Xinjiang. Mineral Deposits, 29(2), 229-242
[58] An F, Zhu YF*. 2009. SHRIMP U-Pb zircon ages of tuff in Baogutu Formation and their geological significances. Acta Petrologica Sinica, 25(6), 1437-1445
[57] An F, Zhu YF*. 2009. Significance of native arsenic in the Baogutu gold deposit, western Junggar, Xinjiang, NW China. Chinese Science Bulletin. Chinese Science Bulletin, 54(10): 1744-1749
[56] An F, Zhu YF*. 2009. Geology and geochemistry of Axi gold deposit , Xinjiang. Minreal Deposits, 28(2), 143-156
[55] Xue XY, Zhu YF*. 2009. Zircon SHRIMP chronology and geochemistry of the Haladala gabrro in south-western Tianshan Mountains. Acta Petrologica Sinica, 25(6), 1353-1363
[54] Tan JJ, Zhu YF*. 2009. PGE deposits in Bushveld Complex: The occurrence and origin of the platinum-group minerals. Earth Science Frontiers, 16(2), 227-238
[53] Zheng B, An F, Zhu YF*. 2009. Native bismuth found in Baogutu gold deposit and its geological significance. Acta Petrologica Sinica, 25(6), 1426-1436
[52] Zhu YF. 2009. Some important issues for the studies on the Central Asian Metallogeny Domain. Acta Petrological Sinica, 25(6), 1297-1302
[51] Zhu YF, Xu X. 2009. Lithology and Zircon SHRIMP Chronology of the Biesituobie Gabbro in Tacheng , Xinjiang. Acta Geologica Sinica, 83(9), 1316-1326
[50] An F, Zhu YF*. 2008. Study on trace elements geochemistry and SHRIMP chronology of volcanic rocks in Tulasu Basin, Northwest Tianshan. Acta Petrologica Sinica, 24(12), 2741-2748
[49] Chen B, Zhu YF*, Wei SN, et al. 2008. Garnet amphibolite found in Keramay ophiolitc melange, western Junggar, NW China. Acta Petrologica Sinica, 24(5), 1034-1040
[48] Chen B, Zhu YF*. 2008. Petrology of ultramafic rock in Darbut ophiolite (Xinjiang), evidence from Cr-spinel. Earth Science Frontiers, 15(6), 312-322
[47] Guo X, Zhu YF*. 2008. Petrology and geochemistry of Hulanhoboke volcan in Baikal rift, Russia. Acta Petrologica Sinica, 24(5), 1021-1033
[46] Tan JJ, Zhu YF*. 2008. Geology and Geochemistry of Muruntau Gold Deposit. Bulletin of Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochemistry, 27(4), 391-398
[45] Zhu YF, Xu X, Chen B, et al. 2008. Dolomite marble and garnet amphibolite in the ophiolitic melange in western Junggar: Relics of the Early Paleozoic oceanic crust and its deep subduction. Acta Petrologica Sinica, 24(12), 2767-2777
[44] Zhu YF, Xu X, Wei SN, et al. 2007. Geochemistry and tectonic significance of IOB-type pillow basalts in western Mts. of Karamay city (western Junggar), NW China. Acta Petrologica Sinica 23 (7), 1739-1748
[43] Zhu YF, Wang T, Xu X. 2007. Progress of geology study in Xinjiang and its adjacent regions. Acta Petrologica Sinica, 23(8), 1785-1794.
[42] Zhu YF, Xu X, Wei SN, et al. 2007. Geochemistry and tectonic significance of IOB-type pillow basalts in western Mts. of Karamay city (western Junggar), NW China. Acta Petrologica Sinica, 23(7), 1739-1748
[41] Zhu YF, Xu X. 2007. Exsolution texture of two-pyroxenes in Iherzolite from Baijiangtan ophiolitic melange, western Junggar, China. Acta Petrologica Sinica, 23(5), 1075-1086.
[40] Zhu YF. 2007. Indosinian movement and the related metallogy in Xinjiang. Geological Bulletin of China, 26(5), 510-519
[39] Xue YX, Zhu YF*. 2007. Genesis of the siderite in Jurrasic olivine basalt, Karamay, Xinjiang, NW China. Acta Petrologica Sinica, 23(5), 1108-1122
[38] Wang R, Zhu YF*. 2007. Geology of the Baobei gold deposit in western Juggar and zircon SHRIMP age of its wall-rocks, western Junggar (Xinjiang, NW China). Geological Journal of China Universities, 13, 590-602.
[37] Zhu MF, Zhu YF*, 2007. Discovery of coesite in Sanqinge eclogite, Sulu UHP terrane, E China, and its geological significance. Geological Journal of China Universities, 13(3), 581-589.
[36] Xu X, Zhu YF*, Chen Bo. 2007. Petrology of the meta-pyroxenite in east Junggar: example from Kamste region, Xinjiang, NW China. Acta Petrologica Sinica, 23(7), 1603-1610.
[35] Zhu YF, He GQ, An F. 2007. Geology and Metallogenesis in the core part of Central Asian: A Review. Geological Bulletin of China, 26(9), 1167-1177.
[34] An F, Zhu YF*. 2007. Studies on geology and geochemistry of alteration-type ore in the Hatu Gold deposit (western Junggar, Xinjiang), NW China. Mineral Deposits, 26, 621-633.
[33] Zhu YF, Massonne H-J, 2007. Pyrrhotite exsolution texture of apatite in the main borehole of the Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling (CCSD). Acta Petrologica Sinica, 23, 3249-3254.
[32] Zhu, YF, Song B. 2006. Petrology and SHRIMP chronology of mylonitized Tianger granite, Xinjiang: also about the dating on hydrothermal zircon rims in granite. Acta Petrologica Sinica, 22 (1), 135-144. Citation 100
[31] Zhu YF, Xu X. 2006. The discovery of Early Ordovician ophiolite melange in Taerbahatai Mts., Xinjiang, NW China. Acta Petrologica Sinica 22(12), 2833-2842.
[30] Zhu YF, Zhou J, Song B, Zhang LF, Guo X. 2006. Age for the “Dahalajunshan” Formation in Xinjiang and its distribution. Geology in China, 33(3), 487-497.
[29] Zhu YF, Guo X, Zhou J. 2006. Petrology and Geochemistry of a +Nd gabbro body in Baluntai region, Central Tianshan Mountains, Xinjiang. Acta Petrologica Sinica, 22(5), 1178-1192.
[28] Zhu YF, Zhou J, Guo XA. 2006. Petrology and Sr-Nd isotopic geochemistry of the Carboniferous volcanic rocks in the western Tianshan Mountains, NW China. Acta Petrologica Sinica, 22(5), 1341-1350.
[27] Guo X, Zhu YF*. 2006. Petrological and geochemical characteristics of the Carboniferous volcanic rocks, south of the Xinyuan county, Xinjiang. Geological Journal of China Universities, 12(1), 62-73.
[26] He GQ, Zhu YF. 2006. Comparative study of the geology and mineral resources in Xinjiang, China, and its adjacent regions. Geology in China, 33(3), 451-460.
[25] Zhu YF, Zhang LF, Gu LB, Guo X, Zhou J. 2005. The zircon SHRIMP chronology and trace element geochemistry of the Carboniferous volcanic rocks in western Tianshan Mountains. Chinese Science Bulletin, 50, 2201-2212. Citation 118
[24] Zhu YF, Massonne HJ. 2005. Discovery of pyrrhotite exsolution in apatite. Acta Petrologica Sinica, 21(2), 405-410.
[23] Zhu YF. 2005. Dolomite decomposition texture in ultrahigh pressure metamorphic marble: new evidence for the deep recycling of continental materials. Acta Petrologica Sinica, 21(2), 347-354.
[22] Zhu YF, Sun SH, Mao Q, Zhao G. 2004. Geochemistry of the Xilingele complex, Inner Mongolia: a historic record from Rodia accretion to continental collision after closure of the Paleo-Asia ocean. Geological Journal of China Universities, 10(3), 343-355.
[21] Zhu YF. 2004. Ductile-shear zone related gold deposits in craton and Paleozoic orogenic belt: an analysis of their ore-forming processes and environments. Mineral Deposits, 23(4), 509-519.
[20] Zhu YF. 2003. Deep recycling of H2O and K in subduction zone: implications for the genesis of post-collisional K-rich magmatism. Earth Science Frontiers, 10(3), 171-177.
[19] Zhao G, Zhu YF*, Zhang Y. 2002. Petrology and metamorphic p - t condition of Xilin'Gol complex, Inner Mongolia, China. Acta Petrologica et Mineralogica, 21(1), 40-48.
[18] Zhu YF, Zeng YS, Gu LB. 2000. Chemical composition of gold-forming fluids in the Taihan mountains: A FTIR study. Mineral Deposits, 19, 265-269.
[17] Zhu YF, Feng KW, Li FM, et al. 1999. Geological characteristics of the Shangmingyu gold deposit and its relationship to Dahenan granite massif. Mineral Deposits, 18(1), 22-28.
[16] Zhu YF, Sun SH, Mao Q, Liu Y. 1999. The trace element geochemistry of the Permian volcanic lavas in inner Mongolia. Geological Review, 45 (Supp.), 1151-1154.
[15] Zhu YF. 1999. Fluid immisibility as a mechanism of ore-forming process. Bulletin of mineralogy, Petrology and Geochemistry, 18, 6-9.
[14] Xia C, Zhu YF*, Wang HH, Bao JX. 1998. A Method for Calculation of Amounts of Volcano Eruptive Gases - Hannuoba Pumice as an Example. Bulletin of Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochemistry, 17(2), 107-109
[13] Zhu YF. 1998. Review of the solubility behavior of sulfur in magmatic melt. Geological Science and Technology Information, 17(2), 35-38.
[12] Zhu YF. 1998. Mantle fluid and Earth degassing. Earth Science Frontiers, 5, 71-75.
[11]Zhu YF, Zhao YC, Guo GJ, 1997. A theoretical method to calculate the viscosity of NaAlSi3O8 melt. Acta Petrologica Sinica, 13, 113-179.
[10] Zhu YF, Chang ZS, Zhao YC. 1996. Volatile in magma and its petrologic significance. Earth Science Frontiers, 3, 195-199.
[9] Zhu YF, Ai YF, Zhao YC. 1995. Some problems concerning the formation of magmatic hydrothermal deposits. Mineral Deposits, 14, 381-384.
[8] Zhu YF, Zeng YS, Ai YF. 1995. The experimental study about the fluid immiscibility and ore-forming process in felsic magma. Acta Petrologica Sinica, 11(1), 1-8.
[7] Zhu YF. 1995. Forming mechanism of mafic microgranular enclaves in felsic magmatic rocks. Earth Science - Journal of China University of Geosciences, 20, 521-525.
[6] Zhu YF, Zeng YS, Ai YF. 1995. The experimental study of granite-KBF4-Na2MoO4-WO3 system and its significance in ore-petrology. Acta Petrologica Sinica, 11(4), 353-364.
[5] Zhu YF. 1995. Apply the net-work theory to study the mechanism of mantle fluid's formation. Acta Scientiarum Naturalium, Universitatis Pekinensis, Vol. 31(4), 468-472.
[4] Zhu YF. 1995. Plagioclase phenocrysts from Eldjurti granite and mafic microgranular enclave. Acta Scientiarum Naturalium, Universitatis Pekinensis, Vol. 31 (3), 366-372.
[3] Zhu YF, Zhao YC, Gu LB. 1994. NMR technology and its contribution to the study of melt structures. Geological Science and Technology Information, 13(4), 77-84
[2] Zhu YF. 1994. Migrating mechanism of immiscible fluid in felsic magmatic system. Earth Science Frontiers, Vol. 1, 119-126.
[1] Zhu YF, Sobolev RN. 1994. The forming environment and magma evolution of the Eldjurti granite, north Caucasus. Geological Review, 40, 554-563.
[1] 朱永峰,张传情(1996) 硅酸盐熔体结构学。地质出版社
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[4] 朱永峰(2012) 矿床地球化学导论。 北京大学出版社
[5] 朱永峰,等(2013) 新疆哈图及其周边金铜成矿规律和深部找矿预测。地质出版社
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International Meeting
[27] Zhu YF. 2016. Different styles of hydrothermal alteration recorded in gold deposits: implications for gold exploration in west Junggar (Xinjiang), NW China. Goldschmidt Conference 2016, Abstract 121, Japan, 2016 (Invited)
[26] Zhu YF. 2015. Geology and geochemistry of metamorphic rocks in the Baijiantan-Baikouquan ophiolitic mélanges: Implications for geology evolution of west Junggar, NW China. Second International Workshop on Tethyan Orogenesis and Metallogeny in Asia and Silk Road Higher Education Cooperation Forum, 16 - 21 October, 2015. Extended Abstract Volume, Wuhan (Invited)
[25] Zhu YF. 2015. Geology, geochronology, and Sr-Nd-Hf geochemistry of metamorphic rocks in the Baijiantan- Baikouquan ophiolitic mélanges: Implications for geology evolution of west Junggar, Xinjiang, China. 12th International Conference on Gondwana to Asia, Tsukuba, Japan, October 21-23, 2015: Abstract Volume IAGR Conference Series No. 21: 150-152.
[24] Zhu YF. 2014. Geological evolution and related gold deposits in west Junggar, Xinjiang, China. 14th Quadrennial International Association on the Genesis of Ore Deposits Symposium, Kunming, 2014 (Invited).
[23] Zhu YF. 2014. Petrology and geochemistry of the late Paleozoic volcanic rocks in the west Tianshan, NW China. Geological Society of America, Canada, Vancouver. Abstracts with Programs. Vol. 46, No. 6, p.425
[22] Zhu YF. 2014. Petrology and geochemistry of the Baijiantan-Baikouquan ophiolitic melanges: implications for geology evolution of west Junggar, China. Geological Society of America, Canada, Vancouver. Abstracts with Programs. Vol. 46, No. 6, p.758
[21] Zhu YF. 2011. Recent advances in geology and exploration in the Balkash-western Junggar region (Kazakhstan and Xinjiang, China): International workshop on the large Balkash-western Junggar copper- gold province, Karamay, 2011 (Invited).
Zhu YF. 2011. Geology and geochemistry of the shear zone-related Tianger gold deposit in Tianshan Mts., north Xinjiang, NW China. Annual Meeting of the Geological Association of Canada, the Mineralogical Association of Canada, the Society of Economic Geologists and the Society for Geology Applied to Mineral Deposits (GAC® - MAC – SEG - SGA), 25-27 may, 2011, Ottawa, Canada.
[20] Zhu YF, An F. 2011. Native minerals found in the Baogutu gold deposit, west Junggar (Xinjiang, NW China). Annual Meeting of the Geological Association of Canada, the Mineralogical Association of Canada, the Society of Economic Geologists and the Society for Geology Applied to Mineral Deposits (GAC® - MAC – SEG - SGA), 25-27 may, 2011, Ottawa, Canada. (Poster)
[19] Zhu YF. 2011. Geology and geochemistry of the shear zone-related gold deposits in west Tianshan, Xinjiang, NW China. The 34th Annual Winter Meeting of MDSG, 5-7 January 2011, London
[18] Zhu YF, Chen B, Tan JJ. 2011. Geology and tectonic implications of Early Paleozoic ophiolitic belts in west Junggar, Xinjiang, NW China: The 34th Annual Winter Meeting of MDSG, 5-7 January 2011, London (poster).
[17] An F, Zhu YF. 2010. Native minerals found in the Baogutu gold deposit, west Junggar (Xinjiang, NW China). The 20th General Meeting of the International Mineralogical Association. 21-27 Aug, 2010, Budapest, Hungary (Poster).
[16] Zhu YF. 2010. The forming mechanism of the shear zone related gold deposit: take the Tianger gold deposit as an example (Xinjiang, NW China). The 20th General Meeting of the International Mineralogical Association. 21-27 Aug, 2010, Budapest, Hungary.
[15] Zhu YF, Chen B. 2008. Garnet amphibolite found in Baikouquan ophiolitic mélange: A clue to a HP metamorphic belt in Junggar, Xinjiang. Goldschmidt Conference, July 2008, Vancouver, CANADA. Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta, 72 (12): A1104-A1104 (poster).
[14] Zhu YF, Chen B, Massonne HJ, Xu X. 2008. An Early Paleozoic high-pressure metamorphic belt established in western Junggar, Xinjiang (central Asia), NW China. Abstract of the IGC 33th, ISA-05. Oslo 2008 (CD-ROM)
[13] Zhu YF, An F, Tang JJ. 2008. Gold and rare metal deposits formed during Triassic in Central Asia, NW China. Abstract of the IGC 33th, MRD-10. Oslo 2008 (CD-ROM) poster
[12] Zhu YF, 2007. International workshop on “central Asia Orogenesis and Metallogeny”, Urumqi, China, September 18-24, 2007 (Invited).
[11] Zhu YF, Xuan Guo, Lifei Zhang, Song B. 2007. Studies on Late Paleozoic volcanic rocks in north Xinjiang: geochemistry and zircon SHRIMP chronology. Third International Workshop- IGCP480, Beijing, 6-15 Aug, 2007, 37-38pp.
[10] Zhu YF, Guo X, Zhang LF, Song B. 2006. Geochemistry and zircon SHRIMP dating on the Late Paleozoic volcanic rocks in west Tianshan Mountains (Central Asia, Xinjiang). Goldschmidt Conference Abstracts, doi: 10.1016/ j.gca. 2006.06.1361, Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta, Suppl., A755 (poster)
[9] Zhu YF, Massonne HJ. T. THEYE T., 2006. Eclogites from the CCSD: Petrology and Different exhumation paths. In: Sino-German Workshop 2006, Geodynamic Evolution of Central Asia in the Paleozoic and Mesozoic. Abstracts, Dec. 408, 2006, Beijing, page 29.
[8] Zhu YF. 2005. Geochemistry of the Tianger shear zone-hosted gold deposit (west Tianshan, northwest China). The eighth biennial SGA meeting, Beijing, 2005.
[7] Zhu YF, 2005. K-rich glasses in harzburgite from Damaping mantle xenoliths, Northern east China. The Origin, evolution and present state of subcontinental lithosphere. IUGS-SECE Conference, June 25-30, Beijing, China
[6] Zhu YF, 2004. Dolomite decomposition structure in UHP marble: evidence for deep subduction (>200 km) of continental crust. Abstract of 32nd IGC, Italiy Florence.
[5] Zhu YF, Ogasawara Y, 2001. Clinopyroxene phenocryst from the Kokchetav shoshonitic volcanic rocks: implications for the multi-stage magma processes. UHPM Workshop 2001, Fluid/Slab/Mantle Interactions and Ultrahigh-P Minerals, Waseda Univ., Tokyo, 170-173
[4] Zhu YF, Ogasawara Y., 2000. Permian volcanism in east Inner Mongolia (east China): geochemistry and tectonic significance. EOS, Transactions, Vol. 81, No. 22 supplement, WPGM Meeting, Tokyo, 251.
[3] Zhu YF, Ogasawara Y., 2000. The recycling of oceanic lithosphere in the Mongolia orogenic zone – evidence from the Permian volcanic rocks. EOS, Transactions, Vol. 81, No. 19 supplement, AGU Spring Meeting, Washington DC, 439-440.
[2] Zhu YF, Ai YF. 1998. The relationship of liquid immiscibility between felsic magma and mineralization. Ninth Quadrennial IAGOD Symposium, Beijing, 1998.
[1] Zhu YF. 1996. Liquid immiscibility in felsic magma and its ore-forming potentiality. 30th International Geological Congress, Beijing, 1996.