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Virginia Tech (弗吉尼亚理工大学),地质系

















刊论文 (* 为通讯作者,一作为本人指导学生)

· Shujian Qin*Lin Dong; Xuan Liu, Feng Tang, Hui Liu, Macroscopic carbonaceous compression fossils from the Tonian Liulaobei Formation in the Huainan region of North China, , Precambrian Research, 107076, 2023

· Li Tong, *Dong Lin, Sun Yuanlin, Yuan Zhiwei, Nie Ting , Ling Kun,Quantitative study of the morphological variations among Dzieduszyckia populations from the Devonian Rongxian Formation, South China and their influencing factors; Acta Geologica Sinica:2023, //doi.org/10.1111/1755-6724.15081

· Xubin Wang; *Lin Dong; Tong Li, Ziyi Wang, Changhu Zhang, Zhijun Jin, Jinhua Fu, Rukai Zhu, Kun Ling, Tianyu Wang. Late diagenetic alteration of carbonate evidenced by carbonate-deficient siliciclastic laminae, Chemical Geology, 2023, 622(121394)

· Hui Liu; *Lin Dong; Shujian Qin; Wei Liu; Chenqing Li ; Restudy of string fossils from the Ediacaran-Cambrian Liuchapo Formation in Guizhou Province, South China, Precambrian Research, 2022, 376: 106693-106693

· Chenqing Li; *Lin Dong; Haoran Ma; Hui Liu; Chao Li; Haoxiang Pei; Bing Shen ; Formation of the massive bedded chert and coupled Silicon and Iron cycles during the Ediacaran-Cambrian transition, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2022, 594(117721)

· Wei Ren, Ma Haoran, Jin Zhijun, Wang Tianyu, Zhang Chi, Wang Yuhan, *Lin Dong; New insights into the carbon cycle and depositional models of the Eocene saline lake, Jianghan basin, China; Marine and Petroleum Geology; 2023, (149) 106079

· Chenqing Li; Yixin Cui; Meng Ning; Chao Li; Chaochao Xing; Pan Xia; *Lin Dong ; Can Eu Anomaly Indicate a Hydrothermal Fluid Si Source? A Case Study of Chert Nodules From the Permian Maokou and Wujiaping Formations, South China, Frontiers in Earth Science, 2022, 10, 932263

· Junyao KANG; Chenqing LI; *Lin DONG; Shuhai XIAO; Early Diagenetic Dolomite as a Potential Archive of Paleo‐redox Fluctuations in an Early Tonian Marine Basin?, Acta Geologica Sinica - English Edition, 2022, 96(2): 607-620

· 李辰卿,*董琳,沈冰,北京下苇甸地区新元古代景儿峪组-寒武纪府君山组界线硅质角砾形成模式[J]. 北京大学学报:自然科学版, ,2023,59(03):415-426.DOI:10.13209/j.0479-8023.2023.017

· 刘晖,*董琳,贵州埃迪卡拉系寒武系留茶坡组中球形化石的研究[J]. 北京大学学报:自然科学版, 59(03):427-433.DOI:10.13209/j.0479-8023.2023.016

· 王梓毅,付金华,刘显阳,李士祥,张昌虎,梁新平,*董琳,鄂尔多斯盆地上三叠统延长组7段埋藏期热液活动对页岩油储层的影响,石油与天然气地质, 2023, 44(4): 899-909 doi: 10.11743/ogg20230408

· Haorao Ma; *Lin Dong, Bing Shen, Ximeng Qiu, Yongbo Peng, Kai Xiang, Meng Ning; 2021, Sulfur and oxygen isotopic compositions of carbonate associated sulfate (CAS) of Cambrian ribbon rocks: Implications for the constraints on using CAS to reconstruct seawater sulfate sulfur isotopic compositions, Chemical Geology, 580 (2021) 120369

· 刘璇, 陈春含, 杨润宇, *董琳. 湖北寒武系第二统水井沱组宏体锥管化石新发现. [J]. 北京大学学报(自然科学版), 2022584

· 李彤,*董琳,袁志伟,凌坤,甯濛,秦树健,杨润宇,刘威,聂婷,李辰卿,孙元林,华南上泥盆统法门阶哲杜斯贝动物群的埋藏学和居群动力学特征,古地理学报,V236),2021

· Peng, Yang; *Dong, Lin; Ma, Haoran; Wang, Ruimin; Lang, Xianguo; Peng, Yongbo; Qin, Shujian; Liu, Wei; 2020Surface ocean nitrate-limitation in the aftermath of Marinoan snowball Earth: Evidence  from the Ediacaran Doushantuo Formation in the western margin of the Yangtze Block, South China, Precambrian Research, 347, doi.org/10.1016/j.precamres.2020.105846

· Li, Jian, Hao, Cuiguo, Wang, Zhihong, *Dong, Lin, et al., 2020, Continental weathering intensity during the termination of the Marinoan Snowball EarthL Mg isotope evidence from the basal Doushantuo cap carbonate in South China, Paleogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, doi.org/10.1016/j.palaeo.2020.109774

· Ding, Weiming; *Dong, Lin; Sun, Yuanlin; et al. 2019. Early animal evolution and highly oxygenated seafloor niches hosted by microbial mats. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 9(13628) 4.011 (通讯作者)

· Zou, Lin; Dong, Lin; Ning, Meng; et al. 2019. Quantifying the carbon source of pedogenic calcite veins in weathered limestone: implications for the terrestrial carbon cycle. ACTA GEOCHIMICA, 38(4): 481-496

· 王志宏,丁伟铭,李剑,郝翠果,刘晖,李彤,*董琳,塔里木盆地西缘下寒武统玉尔吐斯组沉积地球化学及有机质富集机制研究,[J]. 北京大学学报:自然科学版, 2020(4):667-678.

· 丁伟铭;甯濛;秦树健;*董琳. 2019. 辽宁西部北票地区高于庄组白云岩沉积特征研究. 北京大学学报(自然科学版)

· 王雨菡,丁伟铭,刘璇,魏韧,*董琳,渤海湾盆地渤南洼陷沙河街组三段下亚段岩相特征及有机质富集成因,石油与天然气地质,2019 doi10.11743/ogg20190518

· 王义武,蒋飞虎,慕小水,王晋娟,*董琳,湖相碳酸盐岩成因及其石油地质意义——以东濮凹陷沙河街四段为例,断块油气田,Vol.25, No.5 568-572

· Qian Li, Yuanyuan Zhang, Lin Dong, Zhaojie Guo, Oligocene syndepositional lacustrine dolomite:A study from the southern Junggar Basin, NW China, Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, 503 DOI:10.1016/j.palaeo. 2018.04.004

· 庞大卫,蒋飞虎,慕小水,彭杨,董琳*,东濮凹陷沙河街组三段湖相沉积与地球化学特征,北京大学学报(自然科学版),2017 doi: 10.13209/j.0479-8023.2017.080

· 刘晖,聂晓芹, 董琳*,贵州中部埃迪卡拉系——寒武系留茶坡组的颤藻化石,古生物学报,2017

· 聂晓芹,刘晖, 董琳*, 湖南张家界四都坪埃迪卡拉系陡山沱组微体化石新材料,微体古生物学报,Vol 56, No.22017

· Bing Shen*, Lin Dong*, Shuhai Xiao, Xianguo Lang, Kangjun Huang, Yongbo Peng, Chuanming Zhou,Shan Ke, Pengju Liu (*Equal contribution) Molar tooth carbonates and benthic methane fluxesin Proterozoic oceansNature Communications, DOI:10.1038/ ncomms10317 (共同一作)

· Lin Dong, Bing Shen, Cin-Ty Lee et al., Gemanium/silicon of the Ediacaran-Cambrian Laobao cherts: Implications for the bedded chert formation an paleoenvironment interpretations, Geochemisry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 16, doi:10.1002/2014GC005595

· Yong Fu, Lin Dong*, Chao Li et.al., New Re-Os isotopic constrains on the formation of the metalliferous deposits of the Lower Cambrian Niutitang Formation, Journal of Earth Science, doi:10.1007/S12583-015-0606-Z

· Yannan Fang, Chaodong Wu, Zhaojie Guo, Kejun Hou, Lin Dong, Luxin Wang, a Linlin Li, Provenance of the southern Junggar Basin in he Jurassic: Evidence from detrital zircon geochronology and depositional environments, Sedimentary Geology, 315 (2015) 47-63

· *,宋伟明,肖书海,袁训来,陈哲,周传明, 皖南地区埃迪卡拉系皮园村组微体和宏体化石—兼论埃迪卡拉纪―寒武纪界线. 地层学杂志, 3:600-610 2012

· 董琳*,肖书海,早期生命形态演化研究中的定量方法. 古生物学报,511):14-252012

· Lin Dong, Shuhai Xiao, Bing Shen, Chuanming Zhou, Guoxiang Li, and Jinxian Yao. Basal Cambrian microfossils from the Yangtze Gorges area (South China) and the Aksu area (Tarim Block, northwestern China). Journal of Paleontology, 83:30-44, 2009.

· Lin Dong, Shuhai Xiao, Bing Shen and Chuanming Zhou. String of beads and stack of dishes: Silicified Horodyskia and Palaeopascichnus from upper Ediacaran liuchapo Formation in central Guizhou, South China, and their implications for the early evolution of heterotrophic eukaryotes, Journal of Geological Society in London, 165: 367-378 , 2008.

· Lin Dong, Shuhai Xiao, Bing Shen, Xunlai Yuan, Xianqin Yan and Yongbo Peng , Restudy of the Worm-like Carbonaceous Compression Fossils Protoarenicola, Pararenicola, and Sinosabellidites from early Neoproterozoic successions in North China, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 258: 138-161, 2008.

· Bing Shen, Lin Dong, Shuhai Xiao, and Michal Kowalewski, The Avalon Exploration: Expansion and Saturation of Ediacara Morphospace, Science, 319: 81-84, 2008.

· Shuhai Xiao, Michal Kowalewski, Bing Shen, Lin Dong, and Mark Laflamme, The rise of bilaterians: a few closing comments. Historical Biology, 22: 433-436 2010

· Shuhai Xiao, Michal Kowalewski, Bing Shen, Lin Dong, and Mark Laflamme, The rise of bilaterians: A reply. Historical Biology, 21: 239-246, 2009

· Bing Shen, Shuhai Xiao, Lin Dong, and Chuanming Zhou, Problematic Macrofossils from Ediacaran Successions in the North China and Chaidam Blocks: Implications for Their Evolutionary Root and Biostratigraphic Significance, Journal of Paleontology, 82: 1406-1421, 2007





2007年获Virginia Tech Tillman Geosciences Graduate Teaching Award

2006年获Virginia Tech Tillman Geosciences Graduate Research Award


