


Title:GNSS Atmospheric Seismology: Observations and Modelling

Presenter: Senior Research Scientist Shuanggen JIN

Institution: Shanghai Astronomical Observatory

Time: 20180615-15:00:00

Location: Room 2829, No. 2 Science Building.

Earthquakes often occur and result in civilian casualties and huge Damages. However, it is still a challenge to know the detail and nature of earthquakes as well as predict earthquakes up to now due to lack of dense near-field observations and traditional techniques limitations. Nowadays, the atmospheric parameters and ionospheric total electron content (TEC) can be obtained from global navigation satellite system (GNSS) and other remote sensing data, which can be used to investigate the seismo-atmospheric disturbances and may provide insights on the earthquake. In this talk, seismo-atmospheric disturbances from GNSS and other remote sensing data are presented and reviewed, including observations, theory, methods, recent results and characteristics. The ionospheric perturbations are generated close to the epicenter as acoustic-gravity waves and the atmosphere/ionosphere acoustic and gravity waves by surface Rayleigh waves and tsunamis respectively. These waves are induced by solid-earth/ocean and atmosphere coupling at the ground or ocean interface with the atmosphere propagating upward until the ionosphere create strong perturbation in plasma density and plasma velocity.

Keywords: Seismo-atmospheric disturbances, GNSS, Remote Sensing

Reference:Jin, S.G., G. Occhipinti, and R. Jin (2015), GNSS ionospheric seismology: Recent observation evidences and characteristics, Earth-Sci. Rev., 147, 54-64, doi: 10.1016/j.earscirev.2015.05.003.


金双根,1974年生,博士,俄罗斯自然科学院外籍院士,国际大地测量协会(IAG)会士,中科院"百人计划",中科院上海天文台研究员,南京信息工程大学遥感与测绘工程学院院长和教授。长期从事卫星导航、大地测量、卫星遥感、全球变化和空间行星探测,发表SCI论文近150余篇,EI检索100余篇,出版著作和教科书8部,被Nature等引用3400余篇次,H指数大于36,获国家发明专利和软件著作权8项,国际会议特邀报告100余次。担任国际IUGG委员会主席,全球华人导航定位协会主席(2016),国际大地测量(IAG)委员会副主席,国际期刊IJG主编,IEEE TGRS、JN和ASR副主编,RS、JG、PSS和GPS Solut.编委等,以及获省部级科技进步一等奖1项和二等奖4项等。


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